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Conor McGregor has branded UFC champions Islam Makhachev and Alexander Volkanovski “two little ticks,” as the Irishman claimed he is “crazy confident” of a successful return to fighting.
Russia’s Makhachev was crowned new UFC lightweight king with a dominant performance against Brazilian rival Charles Oliveira at UFC 280 in Abu Dhabi on Saturday night.
Current featherweight champion Volkanovski was among those in the crowd at the Etihad Arena, and the Australian made his way into the octagon after the fight to reiterate his intention to face Makhachev in a bid to become the UFC’s latest two-weight champion.
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Čt, 10/27/2022 - 00:03 | E-mail
The United States called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on September 26 to discuss alleged human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Washington’s request comes after a recent UN report that warned of possible crimes against humanity in the Chinese territory.
The resolution brought forth by the US was also co-sponsored by the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. The 47-member UNHRC will vote on the resolution this week, with Western countries apparently afraid that it might not pass. If it does, a debate on the issue will be scheduled for the council's next session in February.
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Čt, 10/27/2022 - 00:02 | E-mail
The United States called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on September 26 to discuss alleged human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Washington’s request comes after a recent UN report that warned of possible crimes against humanity in the Chinese territory.
The resolution brought forth by the US was also co-sponsored by the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway. The 47-member UNHRC will vote on the resolution this week, with Western countries apparently afraid that it might not pass. If it does, a debate on the issue will be scheduled for the council's next session in February.
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St, 10/26/2022 - 23:51 | E-mail
Conor McGregor has branded UFC champions Islam Makhachev and Alexander Volkanovski “two little ticks,” as the Irishman claimed he is “crazy confident” of a successful return to fighting.
Russia’s Makhachev was crowned new UFC lightweight king with a dominant performance against Brazilian rival Charles Oliveira at UFC 280 in Abu Dhabi on Saturday night.
Current featherweight champion Volkanovski was among those in the crowd at the Etihad Arena, and the Australian made his way into the octagon after the fight to reiterate his intention to face Makhachev in a bid to become the UFC’s latest two-weight champion.
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St, 10/26/2022 - 22:45 | E-mail
Conor McGregor has branded UFC champions Islam Makhachev and Alexander Volkanovski “two little ticks,” as the Irishman claimed he is “crazy confident” of a successful return to fighting.
Russia’s Makhachev was crowned new UFC lightweight king with a dominant performance against Brazilian rival Charles Oliveira at UFC 280 in Abu Dhabi on Saturday night.
Current featherweight champion Volkanovski was among those in the crowd at the Etihad Arena, and the Australian made his way into the octagon after the fight to reiterate his intention to face Makhachev in a bid to become the UFC’s latest two-weight champion.
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St, 10/26/2022 - 22:29 | E-mail
Conor McGregor has branded UFC champions Islam Makhachev and Alexander Volkanovski “two little ticks,” as the Irishman claimed he is “crazy confident” of a successful return to fighting.
Russia’s Makhachev was crowned new UFC lightweight king with a dominant performance against Brazilian rival Charles Oliveira at UFC 280 in Abu Dhabi on Saturday night.
Current featherweight champion Volkanovski was among those in the crowd at the Etihad Arena, and the Australian made his way into the octagon after the fight to reiterate his intention to face Makhachev in a bid to become the UFC’s latest two-weight champion.
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St, 10/26/2022 - 22:27 | E-mail
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St, 10/26/2022 - 22:27 | E-mail
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